Oh, the thinks you can think if only you try!
Dr. Seuss var en barnboksförfattare och illustratör. Han gjorde märkliga och roliga böcker jag hade turen att läsa när jag var liten. Videon härnere hittade jag igår natt och den är en absolut favorit!

"I get all my ideas in Switzerland near the Forka Pass.
There is a little town called Gletch, and two thousand
feet up above Gletch there is a smaller hamlet called
Uber Gletch. I go there on the fourth of August every
summer to get my cuckoo clock repaired. While the
cuckoo is in the hospital, I wander around and talk to
the people in the streets. They are very strange people,
and I get my ideas from them."

"I get all my ideas in Switzerland near the Forka Pass.
There is a little town called Gletch, and two thousand
feet up above Gletch there is a smaller hamlet called
Uber Gletch. I go there on the fourth of August every
summer to get my cuckoo clock repaired. While the
cuckoo is in the hospital, I wander around and talk to
the people in the streets. They are very strange people,
and I get my ideas from them."